Diablo 2 paladin holy fire build
Diablo 2 paladin holy fire build

diablo 2 paladin holy fire build

Find the Waypoint and start farming The Countess inside the Forgotten Tower for the Runes listed in Gear Checklist.

diablo 2 paladin holy fire build

Activate Holy Fire and equip a scimitar in the main Weapon Swap. At Level 6, equip Strangling Gas Potion s into your second Weapon-Swap and throw before you engage Elite Groups.Don't waste your time with individual monsters. From this point onwards, Elite Groups are your primary focus when it comes to killing monsters.Pick up Paladin Shields and check them for 3 Sockets and Resistances.Also check all Ring s and Amulet s for +10% Faster Cast Rate. You need them to re-roll Magic Scepter s later. Important: Pick up every Chipped Gem you come across and put them into your Stash.Add both the Tome of Town Portal, and the Tome of Identify if possible. Return to town, sell the items to Charsi and purchase a Scepter and equip it.Start using Might at Level 2 and Sacrifice against tanky monsters at Level 3. Clear out the Den of Evil and pick up items to sell, like Rings, Amulets, Charms, etc.

Diablo 2 paladin holy fire build